Projects, prototypes, and designs for Prosthetics
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Who needs Prosthetics ?
This product has a unique customer base people who are missing an arm. With the ongoing Wars in the Middle East and the use of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) has led to 80% of all Wounded Warrior having a loss of limb 50% of that is upper body. The CDC estimates that 4 in 10,000 babies born in the United States with missing or deformed limbs. National Center for Health Statistics The ratio of upper-limb to lower-limb injuries requiring amputation is approximately 1:4, respectively. There are approximately 61,000 partial hand removals in the U.S. each year. The most common is a "partial-hand amputation" with a loss of one or more fingers. The next common amputation is loss of one arm, with about 25,000 per year. About 350,000 people have experienced an amputation procedure in the U.S. – 30% of them are in the upper body, 10% of upper body amputations are of the wrist and hand. 60% of the total wrist and hand amputations are transradial, meaning that the amputation occurs below the elbow. In the United States, there are 41,000 registered persons who had an amputation of a hand or complete arm .